Monks in Labunoruwa monastery are donating 100 tipitaka book sets to needy temples, monasteries and other dharma education institutes across Sri Lanka in an attempt to squash the adharma distribution by rejuvenating the tipitaka learning in Sri Lanka.

The donation will happen in front of Ruwanweli Maha Seya in Anuradhapura on May 12th where a ceremony will be held whole day information about it can be found here. May 12th is also the 50th birthday of Ven Mankadawala Sudassana, chief meditation master of Labunoruwa monastery.

The cost of printing a book set consisting of 57 books is estimated to be 50,000 Rs (320 USD). You can contribute to this great dharma dana by sponsoring one or more book sets. Please visit the donate page for information about how to donate.