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Path Nirvana Foundation (PNF) is a US registered non profit organization located in California. Instructions of how to donate. More information about PNF. Following are some of our projects.

Educational Software

As an organization at the forefront of Buddhist and spiritual education in Sri Lanka, we have developed numerous free-to-use websites and mobile apps for the benefit of the global Buddhist community. Our Websites tipitaka.app - contains the Chaṭṭha Saṃgāyanā Tipiṭaka and allows searching and dictionary function for many different languages. tipitaka.lk - Contains the Buddha Jayanthi Tipitaka, the attakatha and the Sinhala Translations. In addition there is a library of over 1000 Buddhist books hosted in our online library....

August 18, 2024

Promote Home Gardens

To face the current food crisis in Sri Lanka we have started a Home garden project. As the initial kick start we have donated plants, seeds and compost to 1,000 families. These were donated to 28 urban areas in Dehiwala and Ratmalana. Continuous monitoring and support for these families will be done through 5 officials per urban area (Grama Seva Officer, Economic Dev Officer, Agriculture Officer and two Trainees). Officials will visit each home garden and provide guidance....

June 22, 2022

COVID crisis in Sri Lankan Hospitals

Path Nirvana Foundation (USA) and Kalana Mithuro Organization (France) have worked together with Sri Lankan doctors and hospitals to compile a list of essential medical equipment. These items would be used to help vulnerable COVID victims like pregnant mothers. The two foundations have formed a way to purchase and ship this equipment to Sri Lanka. The cost of these items are really high. So we urge all supporters to help us in this cause....

August 25, 2021

Providing 3 months of Amisha Dana for 37 monastics at the Anthar Sumbuddha Pirivena-Kalpitiya

Project for Providing three months of Amisha Dana for 37 monastics at the Anthar Sumbuddha Pirivena-Kalpitiya during Covid-19. As a result of the lockdown and curfew imposed by the government of Sri Lanka, many of the families in this non-Buddhist community in Kalpitiya area are facing many difficulties in providing basic needs to the families. All of the monastic temples also in this area are facing much difficulties receiving basic dana meals now....

January 4, 2021

Help Poor Families cope with the Virus outbreak

As a result of the lockdown and curfew imposed by various local governments in South Asia many of the families who had non-regular jobs are out of work unable to buy food and medicine. We are coordinating with various local Sri Lankan organizations in the ground to provide necessary groceries directly to the most needed neighborhoods. Some photos from one of the projects that was recently completed are posted below....

April 14, 2020

Buy building material for Sandagiri Seya

We are helping to build the Sandagiri Stupa in Hanthana Kandy. You can help to buy either Cement or Gadol as indicated below. 1000 Gadol or 25 Cement bags for just 138 USD. Donate Here

February 16, 2020

Help donate Tipitaka Tablets

The offering of 5000 Tipitakas at one given time could well be considered the largest ever Dharma Dana made to monks in the recent past. The concept itself arises from the disheartening situation found currently worldwide where the pristine Buddha word which is given the supreme place of teacher and guide in the absence of Lord Buddha himself, is being distorted and interpreted as thought fit by certain monks creating doubt and confusion among the followers....

December 10, 2019

Land extension to facilitate Pariyatthi Project in Katana

We have decided to support the following project to buy a land for building a Pariyatti center. You can donate to buy at least one perch (50,000 LKR or just 275 USD). Following is the letter explaining the project. Dear Path Nirvana Foundation Regarding proposed land extension for facilitate Pariyatthi Project in Katana. Katana Sri Gangārāma Vipassanā Meditation center located here is an affiliated monastery to the Sri Kalyānī Yogasrama Samstha....

October 10, 2019

Hospital Service Support Foundation

Hospital Service Support Foundation is established with the aim of providing the Opportunity to aid the growing health-care needs of Sri Lanka. Our primary aim is to create a sustainable platform to connect both the US living Sri Lankan community and other local organizations interested in supporting the welfare needs of developing countries. The partnership with Hospital Services Council (HSC), an existing non-profit organization in Sri Lanka, paves the necessary path to distribute services collected here in the US and successfully distribute them to the needed patients in local hospitals in Sri Lanka....

November 13, 2018

Donating 100 Tipitaka Book sets

Monks in Labunoruwa monastery are donating 100 tipitaka book sets to needy temples, monasteries and other dharma education institutes across Sri Lanka in an attempt to squash the adharma distribution by rejuvenating the tipitaka learning in Sri Lanka. The donation will happen in front of Ruwanweli Maha Seya in Anuradhapura on May 12th where a ceremony will be held whole day information about it can be found here. May 12th is also the 50th birthday of Ven Mankadawala Sudassana, chief meditation master of Labunoruwa monastery....

February 18, 2018